Registration Information

New Student to EIPS

If you are a new student to Elk Island Public Schools, please register using the New Student Registration form on the website. If you require more information, please click here How to Register a New Student.

Once registration has been confirmed, you will be contacted by the school registrar or grade level administrator to gather course requests. 


Registration Guide

Click to view our 2025 26 Bev Facey Guide

We’re excited about the coming school year, and we thank you for choosing Bev Facey Community High as your high school. Serving the community of Sherwood Park since 1981, we have a tradition of excellence and an abiding belief that every student can learn and be successful. Facey is an exciting and innovative learning community with a wide range of programs designed to meet every student’s needs.

We offer academic excellence, occupational diversity, school spirit and leadership opportunities. Facey is well recognized as a school of academic rigour, superior athletics, thriving fine arts and innovative CTS programs.


Returning to Upgrade in 2025-26

If you are planning on upgrading some of your courses, coming to Bev Facey is a great option! You must be less than 19 years old on September 1, 2025 to be eligible. Students returning as a graduated student can take the courses they need. This will give students the opportunity to receive in person instruction without having to pay fees that they would encounter by choosing to upgrade at a post-secondary institution. Please contact Paul Schwartz for more information about signing up to take courses as a graduated student.