Student Groups

Cyber Defense

Cyber Security is one of the fastest growing fields in computer science and networking.  The Bev Facey Cyber Security club was founded in March of 2017. We entered 2 teams in the Canadian Cyber Defense Challenge that May with very little information of what that would involve. A few weeks later, we found ourselves ranked 6th and 15th in a national competition. With strengths from our computer science and compworks programs, as well as students who are simply interested in problem solving, we have continued this success.

One of our teams was recently invited to the Canadian National competition in New Brunswick based on our strong performance in the CyberPatriot competition. Our second team was only 2 points behind. The club meets regularly to practice and see guest speakers.  Students will also have the option to enter competitions.

Facey Cyber Security club is involved in two major competitions: Canadian Cyber Defense Challenge (CCDC) and Cyber Titan (Canadian Division of Cyber Patriot). Teams are drawn from the club based on desire to compete, skill level, and experience. Both competitions are accessed virtually from the school.  




Facey Spectrum - Gay Straight Alliance

Spectrum invites all students grades 10-12 to join us every lunch hour in Room 218 or every second Thursday this school year to meet with open minded and accepting individuals who have a passion for creating a supportive environment for members of the LGTBQ+ community and their friends. Together we share our experiences and celebrate the diversity within Facey’s walls. Expect to be involved in interesting conversations, view videos, enjoy guest speakers and learn about ways to make a positive difference. Spectrum is known to plan great school wide activities that increase awareness of acceptance and promotes an anti-bullying environment. We hope to see you soon!

Model United Nations

Model United Nations (MUN) is a club for students wanting to know more about the United Nations – its successes and its challenges. This group meets regularly through the fall until the High School Model United Nations (HSMUN) conference in February. The HSMUN is a three day conference sponsored by the University of Alberta. Students are assigned a country to represent and they must debate from that foreign policy on a UN committee during the conference.

Everyone is welcome! The ideal MUN participant is someone who:
enjoys debate
is interested in current events
is unafraid to express opinions
wants to meet like-minded students from around Alberta

The conference is a great opportunity to practice your public speaking and research skills, as well as make connections with other globally-minded students from Edmonton and area. While the topics discussed are serious, the aim of HSMUN is to ensure that everyone has a good time. There is a banquet and dance on the second night.

The format of HSMUN is debate in the form of mock UN committee sessions, such as UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the Security Council. Rules of proper debate must be followed, as well as the foreign policies of the countries represented, forcing students to think quickly on their feet during session. Resolutions are drafted with proposed solutions to problems such as creating frameworks for dealing internally displaced peoples, combatting epidemics, and maintaining the sovereign rights of nations in our global society.

Robotics Club

In this club students will design, build, and program robots! Finch, EZ-B, Tetrix, and Lego Robots will be utilized to give students a hands-on experience. The club will include electronics, sensors, building, and programming. Being actively involved in this club will make students prime candidates for the FIRST® Tech Challenge Team!

Student Voice

The Student Voice Initiative meets every 6 weeks in room 280. Student Voice is open for to grade 10, 11 and 12 students who wish to provide direction and input into school processes or directives. Students are selected via a draw, or volunteer, or some other selection process from their block 1 class. It is our hope is to have a good cross section of academic and social circles. Additionally, students can always drop off written thoughts to the Student Voice drop boxes in the Office, Student Services and Learning Commons.

"Students are the most significant stakeholder within the education system, but rarely are they included in decision-making. Students are treated as passive consumers of education rather than active contributors to learning. Research and practice have told us that student voice leads to greater engagement, greater well-being, improved school climate, and lower dropout rates." taken from