Student Services

Grade Level Counsellors

It is hoped that through the resources available in Student Services, students will be better informed and able to make appropriate decisions for themselves now and in the future.  Parents are invited to discuss any matter of concern by contacting:

Mrs. Stephanie MacNutt   Grade 10

Mrs. Tiffany Tattrie            Grade 11

Mr. Adam Lawlor               Grade 12

Educational Counselling

  • Selection of courses
  • Program planning
  • Graduation requirements
  • Support for students with special needs
  • Evaluation of out-of-province documents and other documents, (i.e. private study)
  • Planning for post-secondary requirements
  • Peer tutoring

Career Counselling

  • Establishing career goals
  • Calendars and website information for universities, colleges and technical schools
  • Exploration of related occupations
  • Arrangement for information on various post-secondary institutions

Personal Counselling

  • Confidential discussion of personal concerns or problems which may interfere with school performance and personal well-being
  • Issues may include self-esteem, grief and loss, substance abuse, personal health and safety, family and peer relationships, sexuality, stress and conflict management
  • Counsellors will act as a liaison with parents, students and community agencies

Instructional Support Plan

Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is excited to continue using the Instructional Support Plan (ISP), (formerly known as the Individualized Program Plan [IPP])for all students in Kindergarten to grade 12 with identified special education coding. The process and name change align with Alberta Education initiatives and support the success of each and every student.   Students in senior high who meet Alberta Education special education coding requirements are placed on ISPs. EIPS’ Instructional Support Plan (ISP) will help to make your child’s programming more effective by:

  • The ISP focuses on the ways in which your child likes to learn and allows teachers to focus on your child’s strengths and areas for growth.
  • The ISP focuses on both class-wide and more student-specific strategies that increase learning opportunities for all
  • Accommodations for learning are listed on the ISP.
  • The ISP will be ready at parent-teacher interviews (fall and spring) and is based on goals set up the previous school year. Please see Mr. Lawlor to obtain your child’s ISP.   ISPs are updated and sent home at the end of semester 1 in January and at the end of semester 2 in June.

Instructional Support Plans (ISPs) will be emailed to the parent / guardian emails on file at the end of the first month of each semester.