Second Languages

French 10, 20, 30

The goals of French as a Second Language (FSL) 9 year program are to develop students’ communication skills, linguistic competence and appreciation of French culture in Alberta, Canada and around the World. Being able to use and understand French is an important aspect of Canadian life and a global citizenship. A broader range of employment opportunities are available to second language learners.

Through various fields of experience and interests, students will learn to communicate in French:

  • to impart and receive information
  • to express emotions and perspectives
  • to get things done
  • to form, maintain and change personal relationships
  • to extend their knowledge of the world
  • for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment

Students will develop and use language learning strategies to become proficient and reflective learners of French. Activities and Assessment are designed with 4 domains of communication in mind: LC (listening comprehension), RC (reading comprehension), OP (oral production) and WP (written production).

Students will develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to communicate in a variety of real-life contexts. Our overarching goal is to have students become sufficiently competent in French that they can function in the language and culture outside the classroom.

Spanish 10, 20, 30

¡Bienvenidos a Español!

Over 350 million people in the world speak Spanish.  It is the official language in 21 countries.  It is also spoken in many other countries in which it is not the official language, including United States of America and the Philippines.  It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.  The Spanish and Language and Culture Three year (3Y) program is designed for students who are beginning their study of Spanish language and culture in senior high school. (POS)

 The four General Outcomes of the program are:

  • Applications - Students will use Spanish in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.
  • Language Competence - Students will use Spanish effectively and competently.
  • Global citizenship - Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the Spanish speaking world.
  • Strategies - Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

By the end of the program, students will have a basic knowledge and understanding of the Spanish language and culture. Students will learn to communicate in Spanish with an emphasis on developing and using speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

We offer two second language programs, French 9Y and Spanish 3Y.

*9Y and 3Y refers to years of French or Spanish as a Second Language from start to finish. For example, students who started “French as a Second Language” in grade 4 will have completed 9 years of study by the end of grade 12, therefore 9Y. Spanish has no prerequisite.